Year 9-11 Curriculum
In Year 9, students follow an engagement curriculum designed to bridge the transition between the extended primary curriculum and the Key Stage 4 curriculum. This approach helps prepare them for the wider range of courses they will take in Years 10 and 11. In ICT and Design Technology (DT), students are introduced to the options available for Key Stage 4, giving them a taste of different pathways and helping them make informed choices about their future learning.
For their Key Stage 4 options in DT and ICT, students select two subjects from a range of engaging choices. These include 3D Design, Textiles, ICT and Graphic Communication. These practical and creative courses allow students to explore their interests and develop valuable skills that can be applied in further education or the workplace.
By Years 10 and 11, students work towards a variety of qualifications suited to their individual abilities and needs. These include Entry Level Certificates, Functional Skills, BTECs and GCSEs. This range of outcomes ensures that every student has the opportunity to achieve their potential and prepares them for their next steps after school.
To support literacy development, we teach phonics using Fresh Start Intervention, which is specifically designed for older students who need extra help with reading and phonics. This tailored approach ensures that all students continue to improve their reading skills, fostering a positive attitude toward learning and literacy.
If parents would like to withdraw their child from any aspect of the RE curriculum please could you make contact with your class teacher or form tutor initially.
If you would like to know more about our secondary curriculum please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with Gareth Nicholls, our Assistant Headteacher for Learning.