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Elms School


CEIAG Provision at Elms

A principal aim of Elms careers programme is to prepare young people for life beyond school and college. Elms School is committed to providing a comprehensive and high quality careers programme, to support all of our students’ knowledge and understanding of how to manage their own lifelong learning and career path. Our programme aims to raise all students’ aspirations, irrespective of age, background, ability or SEND, and to develop our students’ employability skills across the school so that they are best prepared for their lives both during their time at Elms, and in the future. Through our provision students begin to develop a real understanding, of careers and work-related information that develops their sense of enquiry not only about careers and higher/further education but also an awareness of how the skills developed in school are applicable and integral ingredients in the modern workplace.


For Students

  • Develop an invaluable set of life and employability skills essential for a successful career in the 21st century.
  • Develop an awareness of their individual strengths, weaknesses, skills and aptitudes and how these link to possible careers, future education and training
  • Ensure that they are well briefed on careers and work related learning so they can make informed choices about their future lives.
  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour, attendance, punctuality and attitude to learning in order to support them in becoming an adult in the workplace.

For parents and carers

  • To be fully involved by supporting the Elms School in its development of the CEIAG curriculum.
  • CEG delivery should be supported with home-based discussions, where Parents and carers actively work with students on career planning tasks.
  • Parents and carers can work with Elms school though the ECHP annual review meetings by discussing next steps and careers so that a post 16 provision can been sort and researched.

For teachers and tutors

  • Deliver the CEG unit as organised by the teacher in charge of careers, ensuring that they provide timely and purposeful conversations during tutor time to explore career development and career management.
  • Ensure that they support the delivery of the CEIAG that is relevant to their own subject area’s programmes of study and schemes of work.
  • To act as role models for students in developing students to be lifelong learners.