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Elms School

Fundamental British Values

Our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural commitment

At Elms School we place Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural values and Fundamental British Values at the heart of our School.

We believe that our SMSC and FBV values curriculum underpins all areas of our school life from our school’s ethos, our school’s curriculum and our connection with our wider community.

We recognise that SMSC and FBV values are a key to preparing our special needs pupils for their future life in Modern Britain. We encourage our pupils to be thoughtful citizens who will contribute to the society they enter into.

We encourage our pupils to explore and respect other faiths and beliefs. We also encourage them to explore their own feelings and their own identity. We also value the questions the pupils ask and give them space and time to express their concerns and ideas.

We encourage our pupils to recognize right from wrong and respect the law of the land. We also teach our pupils to understand the consequences should they break that law. We encourage our pupils to regulate their behavior. We also encourage our pupils to appreciate different and diverse viewpoints and engage with the British Value of Democracy with in our school’s community.

We promote Restorative Justice as a way for our pupils to resolve conflicts, build relationships and function more harmoniously within our school. These skills are then transferred into further education and onto the world of work.

Our pupils have an understanding of their culture and we celebrate our culture as well as understanding and celebration other world cultures.

We believe that this will help eradicate ‘racism’ and ‘bigoted viewpoints’ within our community.

Please view our SMSC and FBV audit and our school’s assembly Rota.