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Elms School

School Uniform

Our School uniform can be purchased from School Trends click here

Primary pupils


Dark green sweatshirt with gold logo,
White Polo top with or without logo
Black trousers or deep dyed black jogging bottoms,
Black shoes or trainers with no logo


Dark green sweatshirt with gold logo or dark green cardigan with gold logo
White Polo top with or without logo,
Black trousers or deep dyed black jogging bottoms
Black shoes or trainers with no logo
Green check dress (optional for summer)
Black trousers or black skirt with black tights
Black shoes or trainers with no logo

Year 6 pupils: 

optional black blazer with gold logo and/or grey V neck jumper with gold logo with plain white shirt

Secondary Pupils


Black blazer with gold logo on breast pocket and/or grey V neck jumper with gold logo
Or grey sweatshirt with gold logo
White Polo top with or without logo or white shirt (short or long sleeves) with optional gold and black clip-on tie (with logo)
Black trousers or deep dyed black jogging bottoms
Black shoes or trainers with no logo


Black blazer with gold logo on breast pocket and/or grey V neck jumper with gold logo
Or grey sweatshirt with gold logo, Or grey cardigan with gold logo
Black skirt with black tights or black trousers or deep dyed black jogging bottoms
White polo top with or without logo or plain white shirt (short or long sleeves) with optional gold and black clip-on tie (with logo)
Black shoes or trainers with no logo

PE Kit

Coloured T shirt according to their “House:” red, yellow, blue or green
Black or navy shorts
Trainers or plimsolls

All uniform with Elms logo can only be purchased from the School Trends.


P.E. KIT – MUST be in school at all times.  Coloured House PE tops can be purchased from School Trends.  Swimming costume and towel must also be brought into school on the day that your child as swimming lessons.

JEWELLERY/ FACIAL PIERCINGS/MAKE-UP- School is not the place for wearing items of jewellery (rings, bracelets and necklaces) or make-up (nail varnish, eye shadow/mascara/lipstick).  Jewellery is unsafe in terms of Health & Safety, is easily lost or damaged and gets in the way of teaching and learning.   Only plain ear studs may be worn in pierced ears.

MOBILE PHONES, BASEBALL CAPS AND HATS -  If it is necessary for your child to bring any of these items to school it must be handed in to their Teacher for safekeeping at the beginning of each day and collected from them after school.

HAIR STYLES- Extreme Hairstyles, i.e. Mohican, brightly coloured dyed hair, razored patterns, long “rat’s tails”, are not appropriate for school. They frequently become targets for comments from peers which can cause problems between pupils.

All School Uniform and equipment must be marked clearly with your child’s name