Good News Stories
Sailing Trip
A number of our students were fortunate enough to go on a sailing trip recently and created their own blog about their experience. Follow the link below to see what they got up to.
Christmas Competition
The winner of the best homemade Christmas tree decorations was 10a.
The winner of the best-decorated class door went to 7A Ms. Lewis form.
The best-decorated bus was No 17
Congratulations to you all and a big thank you to everyone that took part.
Elms School Macmillan and Children in Need Cake Sale
At Elms School, we decided to do a cake sale for the staff and pupils to raise money for Children in Need and Macmillan Cancer Research. We sold all our cakes and ended up raising £320 which is amazing, and we had so much fun doing it.
10a was involved in this activity and helped hand out the cakes to different year groups, taking pictures and eventually counting the money we raised at the end. Everyone that was involved really enjoyed the day we had.
We ended up selling all our cakes and cookies that were donated. We also got lots of feedback about how they tasted and how organised we and the stations were. It was a good day all round and everyone enjoyed themselves and felt very proud.
Reported By Brianna
Peer Mentoring
P1 and 6A have been completing peer mentoring this week, together they have made igloos from marshmallows, handprint Christmas wreaths, and decorated the classes. 8B then joined us and competed in a dodgeball tournament.
The classes worked together in their teams, alongside dancing to music. The children and adults really enjoyed the afternoon.
D of E
A quick update from the Changing Lives with Horses crew. You may have read about us when we started riding back in September. We have all learned so much in such a short time.
Some of us are now riding off the lead rein all the time. All of us ride off the lead rein for most of the time. Some of us have had an ‘upgrade’ on our horses – either because we have grown rapidly or because our developing skills have made it possible.
Then there are those of us who look forward to seeing our old friends every Thursday and we really don’t want to change horses mid-term, because they know us, recognise us and we still have lots to do together.
We all trot now, and we are beginning to feel rising trot as we do so, and our sitting trot is balanced and secure. Of course, one of us is modelling how to do a balanced rising trot (envy) and we will all get there soon. It’s coming along nicely!
Into our second term now, we never know what we might be able to accomplish when we set off each week. We have received out first certificate to mark what we have achieved. What we can be sure of is that we have fun, love our ponies and horses and enjoy the personal challenge that awaits us.
Upper School Science:
Since September, we have been completing our Science coursework in Years 10 and 11. This is a long process because it must be written in a particular style that is not used for everyday practical work. The Entry Level qualification cannot be achieved without the coursework, so it is a very important part of our studies.
Our exam board, OCR, awards Interim Certificates throughout the course, as points are gained for tests, practicals, and coursework. These awards go from Bronze (15 points) to Diamond (75 points). In September, all students were on Bronze. Having just completed their coursework, many are about to receive their gold certificates (45 points) and some have even jumped straight to platinum (60 points). There is now a competition going on to see who gets to diamond first!
This is an absolute credit to the determination of the students, and they have done very well indeed. If one or more of these Interim Certificates comes home with your son or daughter, please make sure they are congratulated for their efforts.