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Elms School

Stay Home, Stay Safe

Please read the latest information from Mrs Timoney

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you and your families are keeping well during this difficult period.  As you are aware, staff are currently working from home, in line with the advice from central government to stay at home and stay safe.  Should you require childcare, please contact the school office and we will arrange for staff to attend school to supervise children and for our transport to collect them.  I must stress, however, that this offer is only for children of essential workers and our most vulnerable pupils  who cannot be safely educated at home.  The government  has stated that most children with an EHCP can be safely educated at home and we are doing all we can to support this.

Regarding any onsite provision, please be aware that this will be childcare only, not educational provision.  We continue to provide education via our learning packs.  All teachers should have been in contact with you by now to discuss the best means of providing learning to your child.  Some teachers are struggling to make contact with you, so if you have not heard from your child’s teacher, please contact the school office and we can ensure we have the correct contact details for you.

Please be assured that we will continue to do all we can to support our families through this difficult time.  For the vast majority of you, this will be through keeping your child safe at home and working through the learning packs with them and providing feedback to staff when they get in touch.  Thank you again for your continued support through this very difficult time.

Stay safe!

Juli Timoney
