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Elms School

12/03/2021 - Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) and Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio (Td/IPV) Vaccinations in school

Dear Parent/Carer

12/03/2021 - Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) and Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio (Td/IPV) Vaccinations in school

All students in year 9 are eligible to receive the MenACWY and Td/IPV vaccinations.

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and subsequent school closures in March 2020 we were unable to complete the MenACWY/Td/IPV programme, therefore the invite is also extended to all year 10 students who did not receive their vaccination in 19/20.

We will be visiting your child’s school on the above date to deliver the vaccinations  - please note in the event that secondary schools are closed beyond the 8th March the vaccinations will move to an appointment only basis, held at the school – further communication will be sent a few days before the planned session if this happens.

Please complete the online consent form at clearly marking whether you consent or decline consent before 10/03/2021

To access the consent form you will need to enter your child’s school unique reference number (URN) which is below

School URN: 119046

MenACWY vaccination helps to protect your child against four types of meningococcal bacteria (groups A, C, W and Y) that can cause meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) and sepsis (blood poisoning) and can kill. Cases of meningococcal W disease (“MenW”) in England have increased significantly in recent years.

Tetanus is a painful disease affecting the nervous system which can lead to muscle spasms, cause breathing problems and can kill. It is caused when germs in soil and manure get into the body through open cuts and wounds, it cannot be passed from person to person.

Diphtheria is a serious disease that usually begins with a sore throat and can quickly lead to breathing problems. It can damage the heart and nervous system, it can kill.

Polio is a virus that attacks the nervous system which can cause permanent paralysis of the muscles. If it affects the chest muscles or the brain, it can kill.

Please note we will continue to invite your child to be vaccinated unless we hear from you, this may mean that one of our team calls you to obtain verbal consent over the phone. Please ensure that your contact information on the consent form is up to date and always ensure you notify your GP of any changes to your address and phone number.

A young person can consent to having an immunisation if our team believes they are able to do so. For more information about consent please go to:

If you need more information, would like paper copies of the information leaflets or would like to speak with a member of the team, please email: or phone: 0300 123 5205.

For more information about the vaccinations please go to:

Kind regards

Laura Jones

Clinical Manager

Kent and Medway Immunisation Team

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust