'Pop Up' Event

6B have been looking at the book ‘Freddie and the fairy’ as part of the English ‘POP UP’ event.
The illustrator of the book, Karen George, visited the class to discuss the book, look at the work the students had done and also create their very own ‘Wish Tree’ outside the classroom.
The story is about Freddie who, having saved the fairy, gets ‘wishes’ as a reward. Getting your wish granted would be awesome if Freddie did not mumble his words and the fairy did not have difficulty hearing. What might you get instead of a dog if you were miss heard, what about a cat? Or even a caterpillar!!
The book is fun and got students thinking about their own wishes and what they might want. We also looked at how to talk clearly and also how to listen well. No-one wants lemon curd instead of a beautiful bird or an old boat instead of a new coat!