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Elms School

Worried about a child

If you believe that a child or young person is at IMMEDIATE risk, you should treat this as an emergency and call 999 to report your concerns to the Police.

Our safeguarding personnel are as follows:

DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Amanda Falluto



DSL Designated Safeguarding Deputies

John Dexter

Sharon Spiller

Gill Clark

Emily Mount

Shonna Muir

Child Looked After Coordinator: Amanda Falluto
On-line Safety Coordinator:  Amanda Falluto
Person responsible for children with medical conditions:

Katrina Allen

DSL Amanda Falluto Contact Number: 07950 297513

Most children enjoy generally happy childhood experiences within their own family. Unfortunately for some this is not the case. During difficult family times, everyone who knows the child must do the best they can to protect them from future harm.

Spot Abuse

You may be concerned about a child or young person. You may or may not know them, or even their name. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Abuse can take many different forms, such as neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse and even emotional abuse.

Take Responsibility

Don’t assume that someone else will take responsibility and make that phone call. You could help to save a child’s life. If you are worried, report it.

Tell someone!

Please contact Specialist Children’s Services or the Police immediately:

Kent Central Duty Team
Telephone: 03000 411111
Fax: 03000 412345

Emergency Out of Hours:
Telephone: 03000 419191


Kent Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit
Telephone: 01622 690 690 

If you need to advise us of a child or young person moving into Kent from another area, please contact the Safeguarding Unit on: 01622 694157