Policies & Documents
Please see below.
- Equal Opportunity Policypdf
- Parent and Carer Code of Conductpdf
- Accessibility Policy and Planpdf
- Elms School Covid19 policypdf
- Governor Allowances Schemepdf
- Elms Curriculum Policypdf
- Exclusion Policypdf
- Elms School ECT Induction Policypdf
- Managing allegations against staffpdf
- Attendance Policypdf
- Whistleblowing Policypdf
- Anti Bullying Policypdf
- Elms School Equality Statement 2021-2024pdf
- RSE Policy 20.06.23pdf
- Careers Guidance & Provider Access Statementpdf
- Acceptable Use Policypdf
- Behaviour Policypdf
- Admissions Policypdf
- Charging and Remissionspdf
- Complaints Policypdf
- Education of Looked after and previously looked after childrenpdf
- Positive Handling and Physical Intervention Policypdf
- GDPR & Data Protectionpdf
- Finance policypdf
- Intimate-Care-Policypdf
- SEN Policy and Report 0424pdf
- Prevent Risk Assessment 2024pdf
- Child Protection Policy 2024pdf
- Online Safety Policy 2024pdf
- Child on Child Abuse 2024pdf