Christmas Jumper Day at Elms

On Friday 10th December 2021, an explosion of colour descended into Elms School for our annual Christmas Jumper Day celebration.
This year 6B were in charge of organising this with links to their PSHE topic of Charities. They learned all about the charity of Save the Children and the work they do in supporting children in the UK and around the world to have an education and healthcare. They then thought about how we could join in this day and decided to encourage everyone to wear Christmas Jumpers so that we are supporting the charity. Posters were made by the children and stuck around the school as well as sent home to remind everyone about the special day.
On the day, children and staff wore their Christmas Jumpers in, and all donated a £1 to the charity of Save the Children.
There was also a decorate a Christmas Jumper competition which 6B children then judged. There were 4 winners overall
The day was a great success and most importantly, money was raised for a very important charity.